The Irregular at Magic High School spin-off TV anime series The Honor at Magic High School released a new visual today before the adaptation of Yu Mori and Tsutomu Sato's manga series starts on July 3. Alongside the visual, some returning voice actors were confirmed from the main series alongside some new voice actors we'll be hearing when school starts as well as more staff members!
How did the cynical Uramichi end up hosting a TV show for small children? And how long is the studio going to let him keep teaching the kids the sorrow and exhaustion of life instead of, say, the ABCs?
With Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon a Time, and its updated "3.0+1.01" version, coming up on its final legs in Japanese theaters, the release of the new version on June 12, as well as the new theatrical gifts for moviegoers, helped the "final" Evangelion film from Anno reach a box office gross 960.5% higher than the weekend before, giving it a perfect last run before it finishes up its theatrical run in Japanese cinemas.
On a per streaming platform basis in May, Korean-drama Vincenzo was number one on Netflix, followed by Tokyo Revengers and then JUJUTSU KAISEN in third place. Meanwhile, on Amazon Prime, JUJUTSU KAISEN was top, followed by Demon Slayer, and finally Case Closed. Hulu clued in Case Closed for number one, and J-drama’s Love You as the World Ends, and Koi wa Deep ni in second and third place. Case Closed was also number one on dTV, with That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime taking the crown on d anime store.
Funimation announced on Wednesday that it is expanding its Latin American service to Colombia, Chile, and Peru. The service is already available as a "web-only preview," and will expand next month on various other platforms where Funimation is available.
The official website for Warner Bros. Japan's live-action film of Ken Wakui's Tokyo Revengers manga began streaming a new promotional video for the film on Wednesday. The video highlights Kisaki, Kiyomasa, and Hanma.
Anime Backpack Cool
All the many quirky demons in the world are a staple of the Shin Megami Tensei series, and Atlus plans to highlight a bunch of them with new videos promoting Shin Megami Tensei V. Appropriately enough, it all begins with series mascot Jack Frost, so see how the character is looking in the latest entry of the long-running RPG series.